
What is breast imaging?

Breast imaging can help detect breast cancer in both men and women at the very early stages – often two years before a lump or other symptom becomes noticeable to a patient or their practitioner. In addition, breast imaging is a diagnostic tool used by practitioners to:

  • Assess the cause of breast symptoms such as lumps, tenderness or nipple discharge
  • Identify the type, location and stage of breast cancer
  • Determine the results of chemotherapy
  • Evaluate the integrity of breast implants

MIC is Committed to Excellence in Breast Imaging

MIC’s technologists and radiologists specialize in breast imaging and offer a full range of services in our clinics:

  • Screening and diagnostic mammography using advanced Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT)
  • Breast ultrasound exams for women with dense breast tissue using the new Automated Breast Ultrasound System (ABUS) or hand-held ultrasound to supplement DBT mammography.
  • Diagnostic breast ultrasounds to check results from a mammogram or to screen women who are pregnant.
  • Breast MRI to capture very detailed images with our 3T MRI scanner to supplement mammograms and ultraosund.
  • Breast interventions such as image-guided biopsies or cyst aspiration to further explore any abnormalities found during these exams.

Learn more about your breast imaging examination

Patient Brochures

  Breast Booklet

Breast Booklet

  Breast Implant MRI Brochure

Breast Implant MRI Brochure

  Breast Pain Brochure

Breast Pain Brochure