How Much Does a DOTATATE PET CT Scan Cost?

MIC uses Dotatate PET CT imaging in cancer (oncology) and brain (neurology) imaging. Currently, Dotatate PET CT imaging used in oncology or neurology applications is not covered by the Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan (AHCIP) when performed in a community-based clinic outside the hospital. Routine use of Dotatate PET CT has not been established in Canada, and access is mainly through clinical trials, private healthcare, and registries.

The cost of a Dotatate PET CT scan at MIC is as follows:

PET CT Imaging Exam Cost
Dotatate PET CT $3,299.00
Diagnostic Enhanced CT Scan $499.00

Please note:

  • Our dual-trained radiologist and nuclear medicine physicians will protocol all requisitions to ensure an accurate price estimate.
  • The price is based on the imaging application, area of interest (brain, head, neck, whole body, etc.), and need for a combined diagnostic enhanced CT.
  • If a combined PET and diagnostic enhanced CT is required, the CT component will be $499.

Patients are encouraged to talk to their employer or a Benefits Specialist before booking their exam to see if they qualify for extended coverage. Some extended benefits programs or health spending accounts may cover a portion or possibly the entire exam fee.



At MIC, the radiotracer is Health Canada-approved 68-Gallium DOTATATE. In Canada, 68-Gallium DOTATATE is the only Health Canada-approved SSTR PET tracer currently available outside clinical trials.
Patients must not eat or drink anything except plain water for a minimum of 4 hours before the appointment.

Patient preparation instructions vary depending on the type of PET CT exam performed. Our booking team will provide detailed instructions when you schedule your exam. It is important to follow the preparation instructions closely, as improper preparation can affect the scan's results or cause the scan to be rescheduled.

If you have any questions or concerns about your preparation, our booking team is happy to help. When you schedule your appointment, our team will review specific exam preparation instructions based on your PET CT study.
Yes. In general, all short-acting somatostatin analogs (SSAs, e.g., octreotide) should be discontinued for 12 hours before the exam.

If you are on long-acting somatostatin analogs (e.g. octreotide long-acting release, lanreotide), your PET imaging should be scheduled just prior to dosing with long-acting somatostatin analogs (interval of at least 3-4 weeks after administration).
Theranostics (therapeutics + diagnostics = theranostics) is a two-pronged approach to diagnosing and treating cancers through the use of radiotracers.

DOTATATE is an example of a theranostic agent. If the radioactive component is switched to a therapeutic one (i.e. 68Ga is switched to 177Lu), it can specifically target and treat the cancer cells. Before a therapeutic radiotracer is used, patients generally must have a diagnostic scan first, to confirm and assess the ability to target the tumor cells.
Occasionally, to help with treatment decision-making, your physician may request both DOTATATE and FDG PET CT scans to help characterize the tumours or metastases. The DOTATATE PET scan shows how many receptors the tumours have, while the FDG PET scan shows how metabolically active the cells are.

Each of these PET scans provides complementary information to aid the clinician in making the optimal personalized treatment decision for each individual.
Goldbrunner, R., Stavrinou, P., Jenkinson, M., Saham, F., Mawrin, C., Weber, D., Preusser, M., Minniti, G., Lund-Johansen, M., Lefranc, F., Houdart, E., Sallabanda, K., Le Rhun, E., Nieuwenhuizen, D., Tabatabai, G., Soffietti, R., Weller, M. (2021). EANO Guideline on Meningioma. EANO guideline on the diagnosis and management of meningiomas.
Hope, T., Bergsland, E., Bozkurt, M., Graham, M., Heaney, A., Herrmann, K., Howe, J., Kulke, M., Kunz, P., Mailman, J., May, L., Metz, D., Millo, C., O’Doriso, S., Reidy-Lagunes, D., Soulen, M., Strosberg, J. (2020). The Journal of Nuclear Medicine. Appropriate Use Criteria for Somatostatin Receptor PET Imaging in Neuroendocrine Tumors.