MIC Medical Imaging


Our Gateway location is in the heart of south-central Edmonton at Gateway Plaza, just north of 68 Avenue after Home Depot. This multi-modality clinic opened in 2021 and provides many in-demand services such as MSK ultrasound or walk-in x-ray imaging. The turnoff can be easy to miss when travelling to our Gateway clinic. Keep an eye out for the Canadian Cancer Care sign, which is in the same building as our clinic and easy to see from the road. The entrance to this location is on the east side of the building, opposite Gateway Boulevard.

Clinic Details

107-6925 Gateway BLVD NW
Edmonton, AB T6H 2J1

Phone: 780-450-1500
Fax: 780-450-9551
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Clinic Hours

Hours of Operation
Monday–Friday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Parking Information

  • Free parking lot
  • Transit
  • Barrier-free access
  • Walk-in x-ray, no appointment required

Share Your Experience

The patient journey is very important to us. MIC is committed to continous improvement and will use your feedback to help improve our services. Please tell us how we're doing on Google or Facebook. All feedback is greatly appreciated.

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The Team


Site Manager

Nicole started with MIC in 2014 as a medical radiographer, X-ray Team Leader and now in her current role as site manager. As a mammographer, she gained a special interest in breast health and imaging and received her CBIS in 2020. She has thoroughly enjoyed working at MIC and is passionate about mentorship and creating a safe, positive and welcoming environment for all patients and staff.